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TESL 0100 - Unit 4: How Language are Learned Opinion to Statements

How Language are Learned
1.      Languages are learned mainly through imitation.
§  Indeed, languages are learned mainly through imitation.  The Principle of Automaticity explains how children learn foreign languages when they are living in the cultural and linguistic environment of the language.   It is also a fact that we all learned our first language through imitation.  Our parents thought us how to speak by asking us to imitate them. We all started as imitators before we subconsciously learned all words by listening and being in the environment of that language. Second language learners are also the same.  In my country, most kids learn English by watching English cartoons; mimic them through singing and understanding the conversation by answering questions through the audio-video activities. Imitation I should say is the first step and the best way to learn a language.     
2.      Parents usually correct young children when they make grammatical errors.
§  Native language speakers will definitely correct children when they make grammatical errors as they are confident in how the language is spoken. Second language learners thou will hesitate doing such correction especially when parents are also learning the same language.  We were all corrected speaking when we were your learners, in any language, parents definitely do so.  
3.      Highly intelligent people are good language learners.
§  Highly intelligent people are good language learners because they are self sufficient. They can determine their needs as a learner and they know how to approach learning systematically.  They also know when they need help and where and how to get the help they need.  
4.      The most important people are good language learners.
§  This statement made me remember one episode of “Undercover Boss” that I watched.  The President of the company realized how important it is for him to learn “Spanish” to communicate with his employees.   Recognizing that most employees in all departments speak the language gave him the awareness of its need. The fact that he had that realization and willingness to learn a second language, I agree that most important people are good language learners.
5.      The earlier a second language is introduced in school programmes, the greater the likelihood of success in learning.
§  English is my second language and I learned it from pre-school as part of our curriculum.  I should say, our curriculum is what we call here “French Immersion”. English immersion because most subjects are thought using English language.  Indeed, the earlier a second language is introduced in school programmes, the greater the likelihood of success in learning. I remembered my High School English Teacher asking, “Why do we need to learn how to speak English?” We were taught that English is an international language and it is the mode of communication worldwide, so to be successful and competent, speaking the language with confidence is one of the keys to be successful.  
6.      Most of the mistakes that second language learners make are due to interference from their first language.
§  Remembering my call center days, second language learners tend to speak the language by literally translating words from Tagalog to English which makes the statements grammatically incorrect. Our second language learners know English from Pre-school but the confidence to speak the language is totally a different concern. Practice speaking is the main training that we do in class and how to say and present statements in correct context. It is evident that mistakes EAL learners do are due to interference from their first language.
7.      The best way to learn new vocabulary is through reading.
§  I would agree that the best way to learn new vocabulary is through reading. I remembered learning English in my early years in school.  After reading a story, we get to have a list of words that we have to look up in dictionary to find meaning and then make sentences using the new words we learned.  Learning through reading is definitely not just an additional vocabulary learning but also being familiar with how grammar works. This practice is very effective as it is a part of our ELA curriculum in school.
8.      It is essential for learners to be able to pronounce all the individual sounds in the second language.
§  It would be too much to ask for beginners to pronounce all the individual sounds especially if learners’ first language does not produce a certain sound.  It is certainly essential for learners to be able to pronounce all the individual sounds in the long run and in time but gradually and not to push for a start. 
9.      Once learners know 1,000 words and the basic structure of the language, they can easily participate in conversations with native speakers.
§  Number of words will definitely help to easily participate in a conversation, but the structure and context in delivering a conversation is more important than the number of words that they know.  Basic structure of the language is a start but how to interact socially, cultural sensitivity and attention to verbal and language queues are also essential to have a successful conversation with native speakers.
10.  Teachers should present grammatical rules one at a time, and learners should practise examples of each one before going on to another.
§  Teachers should certainly present grammatical rules one at a time and specific to the level of language learners.  Learners should practice the examples as to how it can be useful in their daily conversation. Too much grammar rule will be overwhelming to learners so it should be given one at a time and practised before going on to another.
11.  Teachers should teach simple language structures before complex ones.
§  Learners won’t understand complex ones without learning the basics.  Definitely start teaching simple language structure will help step by step learning to complex ones.
12.  Learners’ errors should be corrected as soon as they are made in order to prevent the formation of bad habits.
§  I remember doing coaching to pronounce a word correctly and the student said, “I was never corrected to pronounce such word before.” This is a statement that shows bad habits due to lack of coaching.  We keep doing what we know best because nobody tells us that it is incorrect.  We definitely have to correct learners’ errors as soon as they are made in order to prevent the formation of bad habits. 
13.  Teachers should use materials that expose students only to language structures they have already been taught.
§  I agree! We have to be aware of the level of the students we are presenting to. Materials that are beyond their level will show confusion and bring up questions that may take time to explain and focus will lead to something else than what we have actually prepared for.
14.  When learners are allowed to interact freely (for example, in group or pair activities), they copy each other’s mistakes.
§  This is where teachers’ group strategy comes in.  We should be able to identify which group students should belong to and making sure that it is a balance between beginners, intermediate and advance so that they can help out each other.  Teacher should also be available going around listening to conversation so that mistakes heard can be easily corrected.
15.  Students learn what they are taught.
§  Students have different learning styles, so not all that are taught are learned and practiced. Learning is a change in behaviour, until you see that what you taught is practiced frequently and/or consciously, and then you know that learning is there. But because we all have our own learning styles, student will definitely pick up from where their learning style applies.
16.  Teachers should respond to students’ errors by correctly rephrasing what they have said rather than by explicitly pointing out the error.
§  Paraphrasing the errors made is a best approach to correct an error than pointing it out.  It is like focusing on the resolution instead of elaborating problem why it was a mistake.
17.  Students can learn both language and academic content (for example, science and history) simultaneously in classes where the subject matter is taught in their second language.
§  “French Immersion” schools use French in all instructional teaching. This is an example of both language and academic content learning.  I learned English in an “English Immersion” school. All subjects are taught in English except for our native language. It is actually effective in learning both academic and language as you learn to deepen your instructional perceptive as it is used in all aspects of learning.
18.  Classrooms are good places to learn about language but not for learning how to use language. 
§  Classrooms are actually the best place to learn how to use the language because there is a teacher to correct a mistake.  Language practice like role plays, drills and conversational class is a good language learning practice. It is where you learn how to start a conversation, ask for help and ask questions that you can’t learn in real world conversation.    


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