It is evident that anyone’s first language is acquired from birth. Some studies show that language is heard from the time a fetus can hear from the womb. Based on the study of US National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health about Development of fetal hearing elaborates, “The development of fetal behavioural responsiveness to pure tone auditory stimuli was examined from 19 to 35 weeks of gestational age. Stimuli were presented by a loudspeaker placed on the maternal abdomen and the fetus’s response, a movement, recorded by ultrasound. The sensitivity of the fetus to sounds in the low frequency range may promote language acquisition.” Since the first language is what we call our “mother tongue”, it is not consciously learned compared to second language. We acquire our first language through hearing, mimicking and collecting vocabulary words as we grow up until we learn how to speak on our own. We know our language by heart because it is part of our da...
The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out. Proverbs 18:15