Unit 4: Lesson Planning Learning these lesson types enlightened me on which I am most comfortable in practice. Present-Practice-Produce (PPP) type of lesson plan is where I see myself practicing the most. I now see the importance of a Task-Based lesson plan which I would want to try and incorporate in my class. I see it as beneficial because it focuses on fluency, and it is learner-centered whereas I currently practice the teacher-centered (PPP) lesson type. It can be challenging as it is difficult to monitor and unpredictable to teach in sequence for learning but because it is based on the learner's needs, it is quite promising to produce results. In my current practice, I assess my student’s needs based on their writing skills and then prepare the PPP practice. I look forward to trying out both skill-based and task-based approaches for my ELA lessons moving forward. I also had an idea to group my learners into each type of lesson plan. Task-based and skill-based lessons can...
The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out. Proverbs 18:15